Coldiron Derby


Coldiron derby fundraiser

An annual event to celebrate the Kentucky Derby while raising awareness and funds for CMTA to cure CMT

Saturday, May 4tH
2:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Can’t Go? Donate!

Ticket Options

General Admission

Standard Ticket
1 ticket to the Coldiron Derby
Open bar
Delicious Derby treats
Fee: $125 

Jockey | Patron
1 ticket to the Coldiron Derby 
Open bar
Delicious Derby treats
Bourbon tasting led by a representative from The Whiskey House 
Fee: $250 


Front Runner | Table Host
8 tickets to the Coldiron Derby
Upscale Bourbon tasting showcasing rare spirits
Reserved seating
Exclusive beverages
Personalized service throughout the event
A sterling silver mint julep cup 
Fee: $2,000

Hazel has a neurological disorder called CMT (Charcot-Marie Tooth).

Her nerves have trouble sending messages to her muscles, which impacts her ability to use her hands and feet. CMT is a progressive disease that impacts 1 in 2,500 people and there is currently no treatment or cure.

Please help us raise awareness and funds to find a treatment and provide support for those that suffer from this disease.

We want children like Hazel to live a fulfilled and happy life.

CMT affects my every day life.

We are determined to find a way to keep CMT from negatively impacting Hazel as well as others that suffer from this painful disease.

All proceeds go to CMTA, which is a 501c3 organization and more than 85 cents out of every dollar CMTA raises goes to research and support.

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Thank you 2024 Sponsors



Liquor & Beer Sponsor